
An iOS application designed to enable players with the tools to enhance their game knowledge, and better prepare pre-game.


Project Details

The Problem

More advanced players of League of Legends often seek out advanced resources to keep up to date on the game’s latest changes or inform them before a game. However, these tools are spread out across multiple different websites that can be hard to discover, as well as come with their own experience execution and site architecture. This in turn creates a fragmented user experience that increases the barrier to entry to discover and use these tools.

The Solution

Rift is an application for iOS design to assist League of Legends players by consolidating some of the most frequently used online tools that already exist. By unifying the user experience to one application, and creating a consistent visual language, Rift aims to give players a consistent, rapid, and comprehensive resource that can serve them the information they need before getting into the game.


A mobile application solution to this problem was paramount.

Every second is critical at the beginning of a game. Given such I wanted to avoid player apprehension around rapidly switching applications to access out of game resources. By prioritizing a mobile approach, I avoided sacrificing computer screen real estate, as well as provided convenience through additional tools for the player to access when away from the computer.


Jump into the game prepared.

Scout out the rank of everyone in your game, or dive deeper for some additional stats on your opponents. All statistics provided are specific to when a player picks that specific champion, in order to surface the most relevant information.   


Quick access to the tools you need, instantly.

An ever-present navigation allows you to quickly switch between different services, in order to get to the tool you need at an instant.


Stay up to date through newsfeed integration

Find out the newest changes to hit the PBE, get the latest results from your favorite pro teams and players, or see the most recent responses from Riot Q&A’s; tailor your feed to show the content you want to see, all in one spot. 


Get insights into which matchups are in your favor, and which aren’t

See which champions your favorites struggle against, and who can stomp. Want specifics? Tap a matchup for additional statistics. 


A work in progress

This project has gone through several iterations over the course of its lifespan; reinventing to add new features, improve the user experience, overhaul its interface to match Riot’s design language, and introducing animations to bring it to life.